Act to Extend CHIP

From Moms Rising (

Wouldn’t it be great if there were something members of Congress could agree on?!

Well, believe it or not… THERE IS!!! But it needs a little push from you to get going. We’ve got a hugely popular, bipartisan issue that Congress can get done ASAP: Extending the hugely successful, life-saving Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)!

Sign our open letter to Congress, urging them to take action to extend CHIP immediately!

*When you click you’ll instantly sign on if we have all the required information. Thank you!

CHIP expires on September 30th, so the clock is ticking! Our voices are urgently needed to get Congress to act. Nearly 9 million children rely on CHIP to meet their health care needs, so an extension of—and stability for—the program is critically important! [1]

Democratic and Republican lawmakers created CHIP together in 1997 because it was a low-cost, sound investment in our children’s health and future—and they were right! Since enacted, the uninsured rate for children has dropped by nearly 68%! [2] Now thanks to CHIP, and it’s companion coverage Medicaid, 95% of our nation’s children now have health insurance coverage. [3]

Sign now! Tell lawmakers to act quickly to extend CHIP!

When you click the link above, if we have your info, then you’ll instantly sign onto our letter which reads:

Dear Lawmaker,

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is a hugely popular program with bipartisan support at both the state and federal levels—and it’s funding is set to expire September 30th!

Please act quickly to extend CHIP and ensure the security of 9 million children’s health care coverage!

CHIP is an economic lifeline that delivers peace of mind to millions of working families and boosts state’s economies. Many parents rely on CHIP coverage for their children when employer coverage isn’t available or affordable. With this program, working parents also know that a job loss won’t mean losing health insurance for their children, and that a sick child won’t mean bankruptcy. States also rely on stable CHIP funding for budget planning and need assurance that funds will be available for the long-term.

A five-year extension of funding for CHIP would create stability and peace of mind for millions of families and states. Please act quickly to extend CHIP!

Add your voice! Click to instantly sign on to our letter calling on Congress to extend CHIP!

*When you click you’ll instantly sign on if we have all the required information.

CHIP is crucial, as it helps to cover children who fall into a gap—their families make too much to qualify for Medicaid, but they also cannot afford private health insurance. [4] In addition, CHIP helps to provide support for children with special health care needs and to reduce disparities in coverage for communities of color—more than half of Hispanic and Black children are covered through CHIP and Medicaid. [5]

The more of us who make our voices heard, the bigger the impact we’ll have together. Please take a moment to forward this email to your friends and family, and share this link on Facebook and Twitter:

Together we are a powerful voice for children’s health.

P.S. Has your family benefited from the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)? Please share your story!

[1] Georgetown Center for Children and Families, What Every Policy Maker Needs to Know about the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) – A Refresher
[2] First Focus, Key Facts about the CHIP Program
[3] Georgetown Center for Children and Families, Will Congress Act in Time to Keep CHIP Coverage in Place for Kids?
[4], Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
[5] Kaiser Family Foundation, The Impact of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP): What Does the Research Tell Us?

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