Call NOW—Tell the Senate to End the Harmful National Emergency Declaration

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From Church World Service ( Right now, the Senate is considering terminating the immoral, unconstitutional national emergency declaration. As people of faith and conscience, join today’s national call-in day to tell our Senators to reject this harmful national emergency declaration and vote to … Continued

Tell Our Senators—No Other Senate Votes Till Votes on Funding the Government, Ending the Shutdown

From the Coalition on Human Needs ( Call our Senators today: Tell them no other Senate votes until they vote on funding the government We are now in this government shutdown with no end in sight. Roughly 800,000 federal workers still … Continued

After Deportation, a Murder in Central Mexico: The Case of Juan Coronilla-Guerrero

Juan Coronilla-Guerrero’s wife told a federal judge that he could be killed if he was deported back to central Mexico. The judge decided to deport him anyway — and Coronilla-Guerrero was killed. Photo via the American-Statesman. By Andy Hoover and Matt … Continued

Urge Senator Casey to Oppose Make America Secure “Minibus” Bill

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From the Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition ( Immigration enforcement has been at the center of this year’s budget debate. The House just passed a “minibus” last week that would provide funding for a border wall, increased enforcement, and immigrant … Continued

Two Important Actions for April 26!

Federal Budget: Invest in Supporting Families, Not Separating Them From the PICO National Network ( Right now, Senate and House leadership are discussing what to do with your tax dollars. On top of the $20 billion already given to Homeland … Continued