Tell Congress We Can’t Afford to Roll Back Progress on Climate Change

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From Oxfam America (

President Trump is dismantling our programs that help poor people respond to climate change.

This is what climate denialism looks like in action.

Climate change is one of the most significant threats facing the planet today, and one that is already destroying lives and livelihoods – especially as more than 20 million people in South Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, and Nigeria face the threat of famine in 2017.

But in the last week alone, President Trump has moved to:

  • Dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
  • Slash programs in the foreign aid budget that help poor people battle climate change, and
  • Overturn fuel standards that reduce pollution.

These actions show that the President has no regard for the seriousness of climate change. But Oxfam supporters do, and we must fight back. Tell Congress we cannot afford to roll back progress on fighting climate change at

Climate change is not just an environmental issue. It’s one that puts people’s homes and livelihoods at risk by exacerbating poverty.

Right now, children in Ethiopia are unable to attend school because they’re too hungry to focus because of the drought that is ravaging their communities. And as they miss school, they lose out on the opportunity to break out of poverty.

We cannot turn our backs on the poorest and most vulnerable people, who already feel the worst impacts of climate change.

Tell Congress that you OPPOSE President Trump’s program cuts that fight climate change.

As the world’s largest historic emitter of greenhouse gases that cause climate change, we have a moral responsibility to ensure that people experiencing the biggest impacts of a changing climate are able to protect themselves.

Especially as an unprecedented four countries face the threat of famine in 2017, including in South Sudan where famine is already declared in parts of the country.

But President Trump’s actions and proposed budget send a clear signal that this Administration is not concerned with the well-being of the world’s poor and those most at risk due to climate change.

It’s time for us to rally around vulnerable people on the frontlines of fighting climate change. Send your letter to Congress now.

We owe it to our children to leave them a better world. Denying the real effects of climate change and refusing to take action is not acceptable. The consequences are too great to ignore.

Thank you for standing with people around the world already experiencing the drastic effects of climate change.

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