Urge PA Senators to Oppose the Regulatory Accountability Act

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From Interfaith Power and Light (http://interfaithpowerandlight.org):

Since President Trump announced the U.S. would pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement, many cities, states, companies and faith communities have announced that they’re still in, but the attack on Creation continues.

If withdrawing from the Paris Accord wasn’t enough, now some in Congress have embarked on an effort to make it much harder for federal agencies to create new regulations that protect our air and water. This so called “regulatory reform” is actually about putting corporate interests ahead of public health and safety.

This new bill, The “Regulatory Accountability Act” will stifle the ability of federal agencies to protect public health around clean air, clean water, safe food and other basic protections.

Contact Senators Casey and Toomey today at http://salsa4.salsalabs.com/o/50836/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=22605 and let them know you do not want them to support the Regulatory Accountability Act. Alternatively, contact them directly—find contact information in the following locations:

One important tenet of all faith traditions is care for the poor and vulnerable. We cannot allow some in Congress to harm the safeguards that protect our air and water in order to benefit corporate profits. Fossil fuel and other industry groups are funding lobbyists to get the votes they need to pass this legislation. The Regulatory Accountability Act would give special interests undue influence to delay or stop important protections through endless delay and litigation – power that poor and vulnerable communities do not have.

This is unacceptable and we need to your help to make sure this legislation does not become law. Contact our senators today and let them know you do not want them to support the Regulatory Accountability Act.

From fuel efficiency standards to reducing carbon pollution from power plants, the safeguards threatened by this dangerous legislation make our bedrock laws like the Clean Air Act work.

Simply put, the Regulatory Accountability Act – led by Senator Rob Portman – will make it nearly impossible for agencies to protect the public. Please contact our senators today and let them know you do not want them to support the Regulatory Accountability Act.

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