Reentry Week Litany

Many thanks to Rev. Jeff Diller from Franklin Together for writing this litany and sharing!

Download a bulletin insert (can be used without Franklin County information on back)

A Litany Prayer for National Reentry Week, April 22-29

O Holy One who gives victory over the grave, proclaims release to the captives, and offers abundant life to all.

Hear our prayer for those seeking to forge a new way in life.

O Jesus who called for Lazarus to be unbound when he returned to life, give us the compassion and desire to unbind those returning from our jails into our community.

Hear our prayer, O Savior, for those who seek the freedom of a new way of living.

O Spirit who incited the early church to open their hearts to welcoming all into the family of God,

Hear our prayer, O Holy One, and spark in us a hospitality and openness that can transform others.

Almighty Creator, we all have fallen short of your glory and pray that the mind of Christ may be in us that we will not count ourselves better than others and be willing to humble ourselves in service.

Eternal One, make us to become new creations in Christ.

Jesus, our brother, in the cries of those addicted and in need of treatment, help us to hear that it is your voice calling to us.

Provoke us to minister to the least of these, our brothers and sisters.

Jesus, who labored in the carpenter shop, when we hear of those seeking work and yet are rejected because of their past, give us voice to speak up on your behalf.

Help us guard each one’s dignity.

Teacher, who welcomed the children, spur our desire to help the families of those incarcerated and the little ones who have been harmed.

Good Shepherd, watch over them.

Holy One for whom justice is an ever flowing stream, move us toward a justice that reconciles, and heals the victim.

Hear our prayer:

For all who are incarcerated

For all families separated by bars

For all who have been harmed by the misdeeds of others

For all who labor in our system of justice,

For all who yearn to share the love of God with others. Amen.

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